Mailbag Episode! Tim Answers Your Questions

You’ve got questions, we’ve got an episode! We’ve got a whopping twenty-five questions packed into this episode, so you better press play!

Questions Answered:

  • (Khord) If you got to make a Universes Beyond product what would it be, and what would be the Universes within version of a card you’d want from it.
  • (Khord) What new type of experimental magic set do you think might come out next. (Exeperimental magic sets are things such as Conspiracy, Battlebond, Un-sets, Planechase, OG Jumpstart, and Commander Legends)
  • (MonoWhiteBorder) What’s your dream magic set theme either to visit in the future or design for yourself?
  • (MonoWhiteBorder) First set, Favorite set, Most Wins set?
  • (perryk) What do you see as the largest area of untapped design space in canon mtg?
  • (MonoWhiteBorder) What are your favorite non-mtg games?
  • (perryk) What would you like out of a new non-card game video game adaptation of Magic?
  • (Gabe Lincoln) What is your favorite card?
  • (Wobbles) Favorite Magic story line?
  • (Wobbles) What’s the highlight of your Magic collection?
  • (Juliet) How often do you dream about flying? What about other magic keywords?
  • (kayiu) If you had to theme the podcast around a different magic card, which one would it be?
  • (Pat) If they did another set like Brother’s War revisiting old lore, and you could pick any point in magic lore to focus it on, which would you pick?
  • (Pat) Thoughts on Eldrazi Spawn versus Eldrazi Scions?
  • (Pat) Does Ajani use a litter box?
  • (Redbay) Tell us about a really good food experience you’ve had
  • (Redbay) Oh no, you’ve woken from a fugue state and you’re playing in a Standard GP! How do you suss out what year it is or where you are? How do you get home and to the present timeline? What deck are you hoping is in front of you?
  • (LudosGD) What are your favorite decks in your collections? Any format
  • (kuyashiiPlays) What card do you remember designing first? Why did you create it?
  • (LudosGD) What’s the most broken card you designed without the intention of making it broken?
  • (Provocative) What would be your hook for a return set to your favorite plane?
  • (Xena) What are your most controversial magic takes?
  • (Juliet) Favorie cycle?
  • (Juliet) Favorite guildmage?
  • (Juliet) Favorite mana rock?

And finally:

(Brad) You come to, opening your eyes to a scene you don’t recognize: a couple of kobolds laughing while hunched over together on the other side of this dimly lit cave. You don’t remember how you got here. You’re quickly becoming aware of a heavy pain at the back of your head–and that you’re tied up against a boulder! You pan your head from left to right, scanning the room: a healthy fire pit, empty bowls of food, combat equipment on the floor too heavy for the kobolds, a third kobold meeting your eyes whose curious face is just 3 inches away from yours…WHOA! This kobold has a huge grin on their face, muttering about how great it is you’re awake, staring at you uncomfortably closely.

What do you do?

“Misty Bog” by Eric Maytas


