In this episode we learn about Joyride, a bumper car battle race board game. Along the way we brainstorm ideas in Magic inspired by this new game!
Topics include:
- commitment to ignorance
- linking arms with listeners
- swaths of driving games
- hex board and two-hex-long cars
- x-wing minis game
- x-men board
- bonus steering at low gear
- how many turns per turn
- can’t have too much of a good thing
- Midnight Oil
- hard to penalize either attacking or blocking across the board
- how to make middle of turn unpredictable
- second draw step after combat
- extra resources if you do nothing
- rev up and down
- draw cards or make increasing treasures
- the more you pig out the harder it is to go back
- spending speed
- toggle-a-doif
- mech game damage to parts
- losing counters to damage that also loses abilities
- how do you do damage to enchantments
- extra case for keeping enchantments simple
- drafting and drafting
- I lose my end step!
- bushido, flanking, rampage… all the bangers
- numbers are quite small
- 20/20s are the new 5/5s
- haphazard bombardment
- delayed removal
- deadly designed
- slay the spire lock on
- kindle for everything
- two weapons per lap
- bad boy bob
- vanguard alert
- conspiracy alert too
- encouraging pivoting
- starting with multiple cogwork+bomb cards
- getting out of this pickle
- max gear never drop
- multiplayer change of plans
- pole position
- helix pinnacle cube
- peter leaving commander behind
- designing magic at the game system level
- steven spielberg’s debut, duel