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Final Fantasy previews are here and we’ve assembled a heroic party to talk all about it! Tim and Juliet are joined by the wonderful Ash Parrish of the Verge to break down all the cards. We talk our favorite previews, then talk through some possibilities for the set. What color is Bahamut? Should Materia be a token? What are the famous dragons in Final Fantasy anyhow?
Cards Referenced: Scryfall gallery
Ash’s work:
Ash is on Insert Credit:
Topics discussed:
- release dates for people
- Tim’s main FFs: 1, 4, 6, 11, 15
- Ash’s FFs: 8 and 12, 14
- Juliet’s FFs: 10, also 8 and 12
- borrowing just one disc out of four
- brain chemistry alteration
- junctioning
- fifth place left in the cold
- wrongfully accused bad guy
- yawgmoth’s will
- ff14 emet spoilers
- the fate of the miniboss
- scary lil tonberry
- 101 times hundred-handed one
- searching through the vault for the right fit
- shiva, ifrit, titan, diabolos… alexander?
- colorless summons??
- ivalice
- good king mogglemog
- the snap
- preteens contemplating shiva
- rydia
- dilf sin
- the sneaky good FF10 tech
- mailing memory cards
- ff6 terra spoilers
- zidane (not a soccer headbutt tangent)
- (squinting thor meme) does vaan neeeed to show up?
- rabanastre peasant
- meow meow choco chow
- least famous include (bartz? zell?)
- least likely plot point to make it
- suplexing a train
- larsa ferrinas solidor
- fellow intrigue unicorn
- other cid’s hot women
- respect the pull
- advent children
- vaan to fran upgrade
- fran and balthier
- beating cloud with his own sword
- runes but more fun
- materia tokens (go figure this out)
- ultima weapon and ultima WEAPON
- boss cards
- why wasn’t that 100th noble impressed
- triple triad in magic
- ff10’s blitzball opening cutscene
- ff10-2 wakka pairing spoilers
- taking away yuna’s guns
- ff10 seymour spoilers
- yunalesca oh… it’s a doozy
- biggs and wedge… unless disney is after us
- sunglasses-wearing buds
- babygodzilla
- angel jenova
- balamb garden mercenary school fanfic
- forgotten kings
- louisoix (i needed google to get this spelling)
- will and rowan shoutout
- forgot about dragoons (in air too long)
- ff exploring some same classes as D&D
- was gandalf the white white?
- not very blue for a water guy
- old 35 year olds
- macarena forest
- musical cards
- hallmark card technology