Tag: pod-kayiu102
Design League Finals – Unpacking LudosGD
Tim and Kayiu are excited to crack open LudosGD’s entry into the “Lives and Lies of Tibalt and Tamiyo” challenge finals! This is both a card-by-card Unpacking as well as their judging conversation. Moon projections! Drones! Tourists! Colossal stuff!…
Set Spotlight – Animus Vox
This week Juliet and Kaiyu are joined by Pipsqueak, creator of Lovesong, to discuss her newest set — Animus Vox.
Set Spotlight – Seasons of War
This week is the long-awaited spotlight on Seasons of War, the custom commander limited set! Creator Timespiraled joins the show to tell us everything they learned making it and what they enjoy about the final product!
Set Spotlight – Hyperpop
Kayiu hosts a look at color-blasted, music-infused future set Hyperpop! Creators platypeople and IgnitedxSoul give you a comprehensive look starting with abandoned mechanics, then talking through the featured keywords, into themes, and finally some Revolution constructed shots.
Set Spotlight – Merveaux
Learn all about Mattelonian’s art and performance set, Merveaux! We learn all about what it takes to merge artifacts, enchantments, and three color wedges into one heavily playtested package.